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          Keep Ashe Beautiful                               Organized Litter Sweeps                

Ashe County’s beauty is beyond compare and it’s our goal to keep it that way. Litter can give the impression that a community is not safe or welcoming. By cleaning up an area, people are showing their love for their county and sustaining the beauty for future generations, Our goal is to enhance community pride by encouraging  positive attitude and behaviors regarding protecting natural resources and improving solid waste handling, recycling, and beautification.

Fall 2022 Litter Sweep 


Keep Ashe Beautiful is pleased to announce the final bag count for our Fall 2022,
county-wide litter sweep. As of press time, 206 large trash bags full of roadside
litter have been accounted for. That amounts to approximately 8,000 pounds of
junk no longer trashing up miles and miles of Ashe County roads highways &
byways! Twenty-Five teams of Ashe County volunteers consisting of about 116
people converged to help make our home greener, cleaner and more
beautiful……Thanks to all our great volunteers!! 
A quick comparison to our Fall litter sweep held in October in 2021 shows that
this Fall sweep collected 35% less litter with about 45% fewer volunteers.
According to Keep America Beautiful metrics, the Spring sweep had a cost benefit
to Ashe County of about $15,000. This is based on the number of volunteer hours
spent on the event.

The big hauls this Fall came from the Creston group which accounted for 35 bags
and the Highway 221 crew with 33 bags plus a bunch of miscellaneous stuff.

Litter Sweep Spring of 2022

  County-wide litter sweep. 656 large trash bags full of roadside litter have been accounted for. That amounts to approximately 23,000 pounds of junk no longer trashing up miles and miles of Ashe County roads highways & byways! Nearly 50 teams of Ashe County volunteers consisting of about 298 people converged to help make our home greener, cleaner & more beautiful……thanks much to all our great volunteers!!


Litter Sweep fall of 2020

185 volunteers collected 16,188 lbs. of roadside litter from 104 miles
of Ashe County roadways


Litter Sweep Spring of 2019

A few dozen bags of trash, plus some tires and other
assorted litter, collected along Bald Mountain and Buck
Mountain Roads.


Copyright @ Keep Ashe Beautiful. All rights reserved.

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